Welcome sis! This is a space for you. This space is for us. This is an invitation to take a moment and breathe. Really breathe…
Some places of loving inquiry:
- Where is there opportunity for you to (re)connect with nature?
- What spaces (inside and out) might you want to release extra baggage from, or declutter- invite balance into (remembering balance is not permanent nor static)?
- Where might there be stagnation that you can nudge to move along to make room for what you need and want for this coming season?
- What personal harvests can you acknowledge, share, celebrate?
. . . . . . . . .
“All that you touch
You Change.
All that you Change
Changes you.
The only lasting truth
is Change.
is Change.”
-Octavia E. Butler (Parable of the Sower)
. . . . .
This digital extension of A Space to Breathe is an evolving repository of the project’s history, purpose and vision, developing offerings, and recommended resources related to BIWOC resistance, healing and joy.

In the works:
A Space to Breathe is a collaborative healing-centered space based out of Hunter’s Silberman School of Social Work. Funded through CUNY’s 2022-2023 round of Black, Race, Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI) grants, it aims to serve as a sanctuary for students, staff, administrators and faculty as they navigate the stressors of sexism, racism & cisheterosexism within the academy and other predominantly white institutions (PWI).
The space is being intentionally designed as a multi-sensory experience rooted in multiple BIWOC knowledges, practices and ancestral wisdom.
A Space to Breathe aims to build capacity for critical transformative action amongst BIWOC and femmes within participants’ respective communities, learning and work contexts as an approach to improving college climate.
A dedicated physical space will serve as an accessible BIWOC-centered, anti-racist pocket of resistance, healing and/or joy when either course content or other academic practices knowingly or unwittingly trigger anxiety, stress, fear, or anger (or they simply want to connect and/or decompress). In addition, facilitated programs/events will be hosted for BIWOC & femme identified students, faculty, staff and administrators, focused on providing support and other healing strategies which address intersecting ideologies of dominance shaping our world.
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